North Little Rock, Arkansas
This three story multi-tenant office building contains approximately 29,000 square feet and is constructed of masonry, aluminum composite panels and a glass curtain wall exterior skin. The buildings current proximity to a major medical center provides a great location for medical related tenants. The building currently houses a dermatology clinic, call center and lab, and opthamology clinic. The mid level entry is spacious and inviting with the third story main corridor opening to exterior windows and a second level overlook.

Little Rock, Arkansas
Williams & Dean assisted Pediatrics Plus with developing a new learning and therapy center in Little Rock. The 31,500 square foot, two-story, new building meets their expansion needs. Pediatrics Plus is a full-service therapy and childcare center that offers physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy up to age 18, in addition to preschool learning classrooms ranging from infant to pre-K. This new facility offers 3 large therapy gyms, learning labs, a full-scale, assisted daily living apartment, a dozen classrooms, a large training room, and 2 outdoor playgrounds.

Cabot, Arkansas
​Hill Moudy Family Dentistry is a 8,175 S.F. dental clinic with a large waiting room, game area, 3 check-in/check-out areas, 3 small consulting rooms, 16 treatment bays, pano/film reading space, 2 sterile and lab areas, a doctors lounge, 3 doctor’s offices, multiple restrooms, a break area, and a large meeting room. Several sustainable strategies were used as the foundation of the design such as solar orientation, shading devices, regional materials, thermal lag, siting to take advantage of prevailing breezes and installation of a low albedo roof to minimize heat gain. The owner requested a unique building that would be identifiable and integrate contextually into the site and also provide a sense of openness for the patients with an abundance of day-lighting and views.

Bryant, Arkansas
This medical building was designed to serve a four doctor practice. The program contained ten patient exam rooms, an X-ray and MRI suite, and a 2,100 square foot physical therapy suite. The physical therapy suite was designed to be leased and managed as a separate entity.

Little Rock, Arkansas
​Dr. Yee is a board certified cosmetic surgeon who provides a wide range of cosmetic procedures and enhancements. She requested a structure that would feel less like a clinic and more like a spa. The Mediterranean style conveys the spa atmosphere while giving her patients comfortable and inviting reception and exam areas. Also contained in the facility is a certified outpatient surgical suite. A delicate balance was achieved between the technical requirements of the surgical suite and the aesthetic considerations of the patient clinical areas. The two story structure features stucco exterior, concrete tile roof, and ornamental ironwork typically representative of the Mediterranean style. Dr. Yee's clinic occupies approximately 8000 square feet of the facility and leases the remaining 3700 square feet. The lease area provides the potential for future expansion.